Your generosity helps Philhaven serve over 950 people each day! The impact of our compassionate services is felt by thousands through interactions with neighbors, family members, friends, classmates and colleagues.
Read the 2020 impact report
Any gift makes a life-changing difference
- $20 covers Mary’s outpatient co-pay.
- $40 per month helps us subsidize the cost of autism services for Milo.
- $100 per month trains a teacher, pastor or first responder to recognize symptoms of mental illness and intervene appropriately.
- $250 provides one parent with effective training on managing a child with difficult behavioral issues.
- $1,000 for five years provides a new lease on life for four people who could not otherwise afford the cost of hospitalization.
Positive Parenting Program — and Philhaven — help families with neurodiverse kids

Meet Stephanie and Greg Martin and their two sons, Ian and Asher.
Thanks to the Positive Parenting Program, the boys, who receive through WellSpan Philhaven’s Center for Autism & Developmental Disabilities, are able to learn strategies for success.
Read more about this program aids parents of children and neurodevelopmental disorders, and how you can support this project through a generous gift.
WellSpan Philhaven Giving fund designations
Here is how you can have an impact
- Building Access, Restoring Hope: Help improve access to behavioral healthcare in the Lebanon community.
- Mental Health First Aid/Lifesaving Trainings: Help save lives by providing free evidence-based programs that teach people throughout our region how to identify, understand and respond appropriately to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. These include mental health first aid, QPR (question, persuade, refer) and trauma-informed care.
- Patient Support Fund: Help patients who have needs that affect their treatment or health outcomes. This fund helps at-risk patients with food, transportation, transitional housing and life-saving medications.
- CADD/Triple P Workbooks for Parents: Support our work to enhance services and provide the Stepping Stones Triple P family workbook to more families in our care.
- Psychology Intern/Resident Supplemental Training Fund: Help fill in gaps and enhance training resources for WellSpan Philhaven psychology interns and residents. Needs are determined by the psychology discipline chief in collaboration with the director/s of psychology internship and resident programs.
- Plain Community Caring Fund: Support WellSpan Philhaven’s charity work with the Plain Community. This is guided by WellSpan Philhaven’s Plain Community Caring Fund policy.
- CADD/Dr. Fueyo Endowment Fund for Innovation: Invest in CADD, which stands as a beacon of hope for children and families throughout WellSpan’s five-county region. The center provides invaluable resources and support to improve patients’ lives and overall well-being.
- Other: This fund selection is available for donors to designate their gift to a specific need not listed.